Rubiales does not resign. The players: “Change management or we won’t play”. And the Spanish government is starting procedures to remove it

I’m not resigning. I’m not resigning. I’m not resigning.” Luis Rubiales thus announces his decision by opening the assembly of Spanish Football Federation. The resignation of the number one of Iberian football, overwhelmed by criticism after the kiss a Jennifer Beautifulhad been taken for granted by the Spanish media but Rubiales categorically denied: “I have received many pressures. Maybe on Monday they will find the formula for kick me out. I intend to defend myself and fight to the end. I hope the law is fulfilled and since there is nothing I don’t expect anything bad,” said the president of the Football Federation. And he continues: the kiss to the footballer “was spontaneous, reciprocal e consensual“. It’s Jenni Hermoso herself, though, a disprove immediately after this reconstruction assuring that “at no time” did she “agreed to kiss” with him. Not only that: “I felt like a victim of an assault – she said – I felt vulnerable and a victim of an assaultof an impulsive act, chauvinist and out of place and without the slightest consent on my part. I was simply not respected,” wrote the midfielder in a message on social media.

Meanwhile the government Spaniard announces: “Rubiales’ journey is over: we will suspend him from his duties“. And the world champions of Spain’s national soccer team, they said in a union statement Futpro that they won’t come back to play for Roja with the current managers. We expect “firm answers come on public powers so that actions such as those of Rubiales do not go unpunished, reads the note. We ask for “real structural changes, which help the national team to continue growing in order to be able to pass on this great success to future generations. It fills us with sadness that such an unacceptable fact is managing to stain the most successful sport of Spanish women’s football“, underline the champions.

See also

Kiss to the footballer Hermoso, Rubiales at the assembly of the Spanish Football Federation: “I have no intention of resigning”

Excuses – Rubiales asked “Excuse me without extenuating circumstances” for his behavior during the awards ceremony and the celebrations for the world championship victory Of women’s soccer but he said it happened in a “moment of euphoria“. “I apologize to the Queen, to Infanta Sofia and to all those who have felt offended,” Rubiales said in his address to the extraordinary general assembly. “I have excited so much that to lose control“, he added. “The desire I could have in kissing” soccer player Jennifer Hermoso “was the same I could have in giving a kiss to my daughter“, “there was no dominance position”, even if “another thing is being sold”, he reiterated. Not only does Rubiales try to defend himself but he also goes on the counterattack, for him it was the footballer who started everything: “It was she who picked me up, who brought me closer to her body”.

The government’s reaction – “The government intends to act. Rubiales’ journey is over: we will suspend him from his duties”. He claims though Victor Francospresident of the Higher Sports Council, speaking on behalf of the government and announcing the presentation of a complaint to the Administrative Court of Sport for a serious and misconduct by the president of the Football Federation. “Rubiales, in the eyes of the government, of the Spanish club and of the champions themselves – he added – he wasn’t up to the situation, today he didn’t do what he should have done. Instead of calming the climate, the assembly revived the controversy”. For Francos “he should apologize to the players: this must be the Me Too of Spanish sport”.

And the controversy does not subside, indeed. For Yiolanda DiazDeputy Prime Minister and interim Minister of Labor “Mr. Rubiales does not yet realize where he is or what he has done. It falls short. He should resign now and save us this embarrassment.” For the leader of the progressive platform summer what happened at the assembly of the federation “is unacceptable“: “The government – ​​underlines Diaz – must act and take action urgent measures: Impunity for macho actions is over. Rubiales cannot continue to remain in office.” Along the same lines, the Minister of Social Rights and leader of We can, Ione Herb: “Consent is not decided by the aggressor, it is decided by the woman. The violent and mafia speech by Rubiales will not work in a country that has already changed. By now everyone knows what kind of man he is.”

The football players and the soccer players – The reactions also come from the world of men’s football. Borja Iglesias, striker of the Betisannounced that he will no longer wear the Spanish national team shirt “until things change and acts of this kind go unpunished.” Meanwhile, the president of the Spanish National Women’s Football Committee, Raphael of the Master, resigned in response to Rubiales’ decision not to step down from office. Del Amo, who is also president of the Navarra Football Federation, had already expressed his “most categorical and complete rejection of the conduct” shown by Rubiales, urging his resignation. And the world champions of the Spanish national team who had remained silent, after the words of Luis Rubiales decided to intervene by criticizing the president of the Federation and rallying around their partner, Jenni Hermoso. After Alexia Putellasthe doorman speaks on social networks Cata Coll: “I’m so sorry that 23 female players aren’t the protagonists… That’s enough! With you, Jenni, until I die.” For the midfielder Aitana Bonmati, “there are limits that cannot be exceeded” and this, he adds, “we cannot tolerate. We are with you, my friend.” For Marisa Rodriguez, “now more than ever with Jenni Hermoso. Enough with the lies, you are not alone”. “The whole world saw what happened,” the central defender finally wrote Irene Paredesmwho, addressing Hermoso, concludes: “You are the victim, we are with you”.

Having held in his hands and kissed the Spanish footballer on the mouth on the stage of the award ceremony after the victory of the Women’s World Cup had immediately raised a chorus of criticisms and complaints. However, the possibility remains that Luis Rubiales could be disqualified dal Higher Sports Councilalready activated by Women’s Football League and there is the government ready to make his moves. Thursday the Fifa had opened a disciplinary file, the latest sign of a situation that is no longer manageable for the leadership of Iberian football. After a press release from the federation and days of silence, Hermoso spoke again on Wednesday, asking that the gesture “do not go unpunished”.

2023-08-25 19:05:35
#Rubiales #resign #players #Change #management #wont #play #Spanish #government #starting #procedures #remove


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