Rostock Seawolves Prepare for Second Bundesliga Season with New Challenges and High Expectations

Second Bundesliga season for the Rostock Seawolves! The squad of head coach Christian Held (35) has been in training since Monday, the public presentation of the team on Tuesday morning.

What will be different in the supposedly more difficult second year? Held: “On the one hand, everyday life, the euphoria has evaporated a bit. This may lead to one or the other believing that he needs to give one percent less and that it is enough – it won’t! We need five percent more, not one percent less. On the other hand, the element that we are underestimated is missing. We’re on the map now.”

The Seawolves have brought six newcomers so far, one will probably come. First goal for the season (after ninth place last year): relegation. Held: “It is important that we continue to have first division basketball in Rostock.”

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The key data for the new season: The budget (of the entire club) is increased by around 20 percent to 6.7 million euros, 1600 season tickets have already been sold. Club boss André Jürgens (46) admits: “We feel the pressure of the second year and have two new challenges with the BBL Cup and the European Cup. We need the same euphoria, we want more than 4100 fans on average who support the team. Because the season may not go very smoothly from a sporting point of view.”

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Source: BILD / UCI, IMG Media 08/15/2023

Seawolves opener: Five games in 13 days

That’s a great start: on September 23rd we’ll go to Bundesliga promoted Vechta for the cup, on September 29th in Crailsheim for the Bundesliga opener, two days later the first home game against Heidelberg – directly afterwards for the European Cup qualifier in Cyprus. Sports director Jens Hakanowitz (43): “It was also a good thing to bring players to Rostock, to extend them and to make the location interesting. Nothing is nicer than being able to experience such games.”

► Tyler Nelson (28) – whose last-second three-goal secured BBL promotion in May 2022 – has extended to 2025.

2023-08-15 20:10:27
#BBL #year #Rostock #Seawolves #Coach #demands #percent #Sports


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