Ronaldo’s hat trick led Al-Nasr to the first win in the Saudi Arabian League –

Ronaldo’s hat trick led Al-Nasr to their first win in the Saudi Arabian league Ronaldo is on his way again. He scored a hat-trick in the league and added a wonderful assist | TN.czOther – Al Nassr finally won – Cristiano Ronaldo scored a hat trick, Sadio Mané added 2 FotbalPortal.czVIDEO: Ronaldo shone! He flashed a hat-trick in Saudi Arabia, he assisted Mané’s goal with a great foot. RuikRonaldo scored a hat-trick and Mané led al-Nasr to their first triumph in the league ČT sportSee everything about this topic in the Google News app
2023-08-26 12:10:10
#Ronaldos #hat #trick #led #AlNasr #win #Saudi #Arabian #League


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