Robles advises Feijóo that he will not govern and sees “ample possibilities” in the Constitution due to the amnesty law


29/08/2023 a las 17:42


He says that the Spanish Magna Carta is “still young” and allows the rules “to take social reality into account”

The acting Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, has asked the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to make a “deep reflection” because his investiture is “doomed to failure” because he knows that “he cannot govern” due to lack of parliamentary support. In addition, he has said that the Constitution “allows for a very wide range of possibilities” when asked about a possible amnesty law.

In an interview in RNE, collected by Europa Press, Robles has placed the meeting set for this Wednesday in Congress between Feijóo and the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, in the “maximum democratic normality”, although he has warned the ‘popular’ leader ‘ that his investiture is “doomed to failure.” “He knows that he cannot govern this country,” he stressed.

Robles has asked Feijóo for a “deep reflection” because, in his opinion, “he is losing all his legitimacy” because “he is very aware that Spain has been paralyzed for a month” and also for his “disqualifications” and calls for “turncoating” to get the four seats he lacks among the ranks of the PSOE.

We don’t know very well what he intendsbecause he speaks not only of meeting with parliamentary groups but also with regional presidents, when this is not the raison d’être of preparing an investiture”, he has made him ugly.

“You have to think about our country and our country, and I also say it with respect, it does not deserve to be in this situation for a month in which we are going to be performing and staging,” added the acting minister in reference to Feijóo .

Constitution and amnesty

Margarita Robles has referred to the 1978 Constitution, emphasizing that “it allows a very wide range of possibilities” and “an adaptation to the social reality of the country” when asked about a possible amnesty law, as claimed by ERC and Junts to support the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

The acting Defense Minister, who has warned that she likes to talk about “concrete texts” and not “in the abstract”, has maintained that the Spanish Constitution is “still young and has something that is very important, that allows it to be applied always” and that the regulations derived from the Magna Carta “take social reality into account.”

“The social reality today is not the same as it was more than 40 years ago when the Constitution was launched. The Constitution gives us, allows us a wide spectrum of possibilities, always taking social reality into account, what is the best social reality in all areas”, he commented.

Robles has referred to “those options that are going to be considered”, without expressly mentioning an amnesty, to remark that it gives him “tranquility” that the Constitution is the framework to “make the necessary interpretations so that the lives of citizens can be develop according to basic principles”.

“They can be the subject of dialogue, of negotiation, as always; look, I have been applying the law since I was very young and I have seen many legislative reforms, legislative reforms are something that determine and highlight that our society is a very lively societywhich is in line with human rights”, he continued.

“In the times we are living in,” Robles said, “what happens at a given moment cannot be a snapshot that conditions the future of a country, therefore I have full confidence in our Constitution and in the options that gives our Constitution, which, in contrast to what some say, is not a rigid text, it is not a closed text, but allows an adaptation to the circumstances of the social reality of this country”.

2023-08-29 15:54:43
#Robles #advises #Feijóo #govern #sees #ample #possibilities #Constitution #due #amnesty #law


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