Retirement Ends Investigation into NBA Referee Eric Lewis’ Alleged Biases Towards Celtics

At the end of May, the NBA decided to open an investigation againstEric Lewis, this 52-year-old referee has been accused for years of being a fan of the Celtics and therefore of hating the Lakers. Three months later, the NBA announces that the main interested party has chosen to… retire, which means that she will no longer investigate his media actions.

As a reminder, if an investigation was opened against this official, it is because Internet users noticed that a Twitter account since deleted (@CuttliffBlair) defended him tirelessly in the face of criticism. For many, it’s simply because it’s Eric Lewis. himself who was hiding behind…

Especially since the five subscriptions to the account were all linked to the NBA and its referees, as well as to the women’s team at George Mason University, coached by Vanessa Blair-Lewis… Eric’s wife.

Before disappearing, @CuttliffBlair had taken the time to write that the one who was the holder was none other than Mark Lewis, older brother of Eric. ” I’m sorry I put E (Eric) in this situation, but it’s not Watergate. You are right, the account will be deleted. Twitter shouldn’t be so vindictive. »

In 19 years of NBA refereeing, Eric Lewis has refereed 1,098 regular season games and 82 playoff games (including six from the 2019, 2020 and 2021 Finals).

2023-08-30 18:14:21
#NBA #investigation #referee #Eric #Lewis #retires


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