PSSI Chairman Apologizes for Controversial Statement on JIS Stadium’s FIFA Standards – PSSI Chairman, Erick Thohir apologized for his statement regarding the JIS Stadium which eventually became a polemic in the community.

The 82-capacity stadium sparked a polemic when Erick stated that JIS had not met FIFA standards.

“I apologize, if you think about it before, I made it up, I’m not making it up. I actually want us to be good hosts,” said Erick.

Currently, JIS Stadium has officially become the opening venue for the U-17 World Cup which will take place in November 2023.

JIS, continued Erick, is currently being renovated in terms of grass and access to and out of spectators to comply with FIFA’s recommendations.

“From JIS yesterday, I received a report that the grass had begun to be dismantled to be filled with new grass. Indeed, we are adjusting it to the quality expected (of FIFA),” said Erick.


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