Protesters Rally in Salamanca Against Luis Rubiales, President of RFEF, Following Scandal

Hundreds of people demonstrate against Rubiales in Salamanca

Several hundred people have demonstrated this Sunday in the Plaza Mayor of Salamanca against the until now president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) Luis Rubiales, suspended from office by FIFA after having kissed the player Jenni Hermoso on the mouth in celebration of the Women’s World Championship.

“People were really attentive, supporting the claim of the entire feminist movement for this scandal that occurred at the World Cup,” Pilar Moreno, who is part of the Salamanca Feminist Movement, organizer of the rally, explained to Efe.

With the motto “Feminism in sport is not an option”, people of all ages, women and men, have gathered “in a circle” in the Plaza Mayor to demand the final departure of Rubiales and to express their support for player Jenni Hermoso. “For it to be the end of August, Sunday morning and Salamanca, there have been quite a few people,” said Moreno, who considers that “this case has been an obscenity in terms of abuse of power and machismo.”

“Feminism has to be in sport, it’s over, this is a starting point. Feminism has to spread throughout all sports, starting with football, which is where the most mafia and power are concentrated ”, she stated. EFE

2023-08-27 12:22:26
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