Pierre Gasly, third in the Dutch Grand Prix: “We had to stay calm”

Pierre Gasly (Alpine, 3rd in the GP of the Netherlands, at the microphone of Canal+): “We did not necessarily imagine being able to fight for the podium but this is new proof that anything can happen in Formula 1. was a race with a lot of twists and turns, very complicated, with changing conditions in the rain, on the fat and on the dry: we really had it all. Very important strategic choices had to be made. Coming out of the last corner on the first lap, I immediately understood that there was a big opportunity for us so I asked the team to pit directly and it paid off. We had a car that was going well today, I managed to fight with the Ferrari (of Sainz) and to stay not very far from Alonso (2nd behind Verstappen).

“It is set up with the team, we learn to work together”

We also took a rather boring penalty (5” penalty for speeding in the pit lane) but we managed to recover on the track. At the time of the red flag, it was not necessarily very clear if I was third or fourth. There were a lot of things, we had to stay calm. I am very satisfied with the work of the team, we must continue to work and improve the car. After Spa, where we made top 3 in the sprint race, there were already positives, it’s taking place with the team, we’re learning to work together, it’s going in the right direction and we confirm it with this new podium. , in the Grand Prix this time. It is extremely pleasing. »

Max Verstappen (Red Bull, winner of the Dutch GP): “Things were not easy today (Sunday) with the weather, especially in making the right decisions in terms of strategy, but we can be proud . I got goosebumps hearing the Dutch anthem before the race and despite the rain the fans were still there. It’s an amazing atmosphere.

(About a potential record ten wins in a row): I’m going to enjoy this win first before thinking about the next one next week. The pressure is always there to succeed and we always want to win. »

Fernando Alonso (Aston Martin, 2nd in the Dutch GP): “It was a very intense race. At the start of the race, we were very fast in these wet conditions. We may have stopped a lap too late but the car was flying today (Sunday). It was very competitive and very easy to drive and in those conditions you need a car you can trust. I really enjoyed this race.

I thank all the fans, the energy that can be felt here is truly unique. Three years ago, when this race came back on the calendar, I didn’t think I could get a podium and today it’s special to share this podium with Max (Verstappen) and Pierre (Gasly).

It’s one of those races where it’s hard to stay focused for a long time. But it’s a special circuit, and with the fans and the energy there, you always feel very focused. I’m happy for Max (Verstappen), well done to him. I thought at one point to try a maneuver on him, but I said to myself that I would have had a hard time leaving the circuit (laughs).


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