Parma Clima Fails to Overcome Grosseto in Second Leg Match, Losing 2-0

Parma Clima came out defeated this evening from the second leg match in Grosseto with the score of 2 to 0. The ducal team paid for the apathy of their attack, capable of making only five sporadic valid hits. On the other hand, an evening of glory for Faria Acosta (winning pitcher) and for the former Leo Rodriguez, decisive in both actions for the points of the home team. The best for Parma Clima was Noel Gonzalez, author of two hits in three rounds.

The record
Parma Clima took to the field with a line-up without the suspended Desimoni and the Under 23 internationals Battioni and Pomponi. Also absent Luis Gonzalez in compliance with the rule of the maximum number of foreign players on the pitch. The ducal bench has chosen an unprecedented line-up with Sambucci, Noel Gonzalez, Joseph and Segreto in the interior line and Flisi, Poma and Astorri to preside over the external field. Monello took a seat in the catcher box with Mineo designated hitter and Lugo starting pitcher.

Even Grosseto had to deal with the transfer of some players to the Under 23 national team and showed up on the field with Backstrom to receive Faria Acosta’s throws and with Scull designated. Inside players Piccini, Tiberi, Rodriguez and Diaz lined up while Milli, Francesco Cappuccini and Luciani made up the outside line.

As announced, the ducal bench made a large turnover on the mound, entrusting few pitches to the available pitchers. On the mound, Lugo, Aldegheri, DeLeon, Rondon, Contreras and Fabiani took turns for one inning each.

In the first two innings there were no valid hits: Joseph and Monello got two walks but were stopped by a strikeout by Faria Acosta on Mineo and by a double play hit by Sambucci.

In the third inning the ducal bats began hitting the home pitcher’s pitches accurately. Segreto and Noel Gonzalez hit two singles but the attack was held back by a new double play, this time by Flisi.

The fourth inning saw the sudden awakening of the home offense that built the lead against Rondon on a double by veteran Scull that allowed the former Rodriguez (infield single) to complete the bases tour.

The ducal reaction was feeble and in the fourth and fifth innings only three batters passed in front of Faria Acosta and the relief Mega.

The beginning of the sixth quarter saw the rotation between Mega and Omar Benelli who cashed in a single from Noel Gonzalez but who closed the inning with two strikeouts against Flisi and Joseph.

At the change of sides, Grosseto took a 2-0 lead against Diego Fabiani, taking advantage of a single from Cappuccini, a sacrifice from Piccini and a double from Leo Rodriguez.

For the last defensive round, Grosseto relied on Angel Marquez: singles by Mineo and Sambucci created the illusion of a recovery but the eliminations from the plate by Astorri and Monello sanctioned Parma Clima’s ninth defeat in the Poule group Scudetto.

The next appointment for the first match of the playoff quarter-finals is scheduled for the evening of August 15th at the Cavalli stadium.

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2023-08-04 20:50:14
#Baseball #Parma #Climate #defeated #Grosseto


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