Parma Clima Defeats Nettuno in Semifinals with 5-3 Victory

Julius Monello

Parma Clima conquered the semifinals of the championship by defeating Nettuno tonight with the result of 5 to 3. A two-run home run by Monello in the second inning, the excellent performance on the mound by Matteo Bocchi and a seventh-inning three-run that defused pinch hitter Paula’s next homerun.

The record

The teams showed up on the pitch with some new features. Parma Clima kept shortstop Luis Gonzalez at a precautionary rest while Nettuno had to give up center fielder Giordani. Battioni and Alessandro Barbona were used to replace them. The duel of race one between Bocchi and Pecci was repeated on the mound.

These are the starting lineups:

Parma Climate: EC Poma, ES Desimoni, RIC Mineo, 3B Joseph, ED Astorri, 2B N.Gonzalez,

BD Monello, 1B Sambucci, INT Battioni, LAN Bocchi. Herds Saccardi

Neptune: 2B Sellaroli, ED Grimaudo, 1B Rosa Paniagua, INT Mercuri, ES Annunziata,

BD Scerrato, RIC Trinci, 3B Zazza, EC A.Barbona, LAN Pecci. All. Mandolins

Referees: Braga, Salazar, Zannoni

The first half quickly sold out with three quick outs on each side. Giulio Monello set fire to the dust in the second round: Noel Gonzalez received four balls and immediately afterwards the Parma Clima designee hit a home run from two points to the left which had the effect of giving Parma the 2-0 lead Climate.

The ducals lost the opportunity to round off the score in the third inning by failing to follow up on a double by Poma but in defense they benefited from yet another positive evening from Matteo Bocchi, capable of closing the first three rounds facing only nine batters.

Parma Clima also squandered an opportunity in the fourth inning. Joseph opened the offense with a single to left, advanced to second thanks to a bad pickoff by Pecci but then got eliminated in an attempt to advance to third after a fly ball to center by Astorri.

In sport in general and in baseball in particular, errors and lightness almost always pay off. The rule was confirmed at the change of ends when Sellaroli hit Nettuno’s first hit, a double to right, and Rosa Paniagua drove him to home plate with a punctual single. To close the second half on 2 to 1 it was necessary an author’s intervention by Sambucci who neutralized a long line by Annunziata.

Parma Clima’s fifth attack opened with a single to right to Monello who gained second base thanks to a hit on the foul line by Sambucci. The subsequent base ball snatched by Battioni led the Nettunese bench to take over Pecci with Taschini, good at closing the fraction with the eliminations of Poma and Desimoni.

Neptune tried to build the tie point in the fifth. Scerrato received four balls and was pushed to second by a precise sacrifice from Trinci but Bocchi closed the door with the eliminations of Zazza and Barbona.

A double by Astorri in the sixth inning was not enough for Parma Clima to widen its lead and the match reached the seventh round with a score of 2 to 1.

In the first part, Parma Clima’s attack was unleashed and put the three points on the scoreboard that decided the match. Taschini conceded a base and surrendered to hits by veterans Poma and Desimoni. A double by Mineo against relief Dini fixed the result on a comfortable 5 to 1 that Nettuno recovered only partially thanks to a two-run home run by pinch hitter Paula against relief Fabiani.

The first match of the semifinal round will be played on Thursday 24 August at the Falchi stadium in Bologna.

2023-08-21 02:43:44
#Parma #Clima #wins #game #reaches #semifinal #UnipolSai #Bologna #Baseball #Mania


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