Paris 2024 Paralympic Games: the ticket office will open on October 9, without a draw

Paris 2024 imagines the Paralympic Games (August 28 to September 8) as “another experience”, “a return match”, a little more than two weeks after the Olympic Games, the first leg. “With other players, other disciplines, another way of doing sport, but with the same codes, the same ambitions, the same level of intensity”, summarizes Julie Matikhine, brand director at Paris 2024.

“We are going to tell the French: we need you, support the French team, it starts with the Olympic Games and it continues with the Paralympic Games, every supporter counts. Paris 2024 insists that the Paralympic Games should be based around the notion of performance. “We want to tell them from the angle of the high level, continues the director. We want to talk about talents, power, determination. These athletes have extraordinary abilities and that’s why we entrust them with the second leg. »

80% of tickets will be 50 euros or less

“We need France to mobilize behind these champions”, we underline at Paris 2024. Tickets for the Paralympic Games will be on sale from October 9, the day after Paralympic Day. Unlike the Olympics, it will not be necessary to register and go through the draw. Tickets for all sports and sessions, including the finals will be available. Prices range from 15 to 70 euros (tickets at 100 euros, coupled with catering are available). 80% of tickets will be 50 euros or less.

“We are aimed at a family audience, a local audience”, we underline at Paris 2024. A daily discovery pass will be available at the price of 24 euros and will allow access either to the sites of central Paris or to those from southern Paris. Prices will also be offered to families, with for two standard tickets purchased, two child tickets (under 12 years old) at 10 euros. As for the opening ceremony planned at the Concorde, the pricing ranges from 150 to 700 euros.


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