Orlando Magic Criticized for Political Donation to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

This is Ron DeSantis.

(Photo: REUTERS)

The NBA players’ union has sharply criticized a money donation from the Orlando Magic to Florida’s legal-political governor Ron DeSantis. “A political donation by the Orlando Magic is alarming given the recipient’s recent statements and policies,” the union said. According to US elections officials, the organization donated $50,000 to a campaign group run by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s internal party opponent. According to the players’ union, the donation from the US team, for which the German internationals Franz and Moritz Wagner are playing, does not represent any support from the players for the recipient.

While NBA governors, players and staff have the right to also express their personal political views through donations and statements, “However, if donations are made on behalf of an entire team, with the money being earned through the labor of the employees, team owners to consider the different values ​​and perspectives of staff and players.”

2023-08-04 11:26:15
#Sports #Day #Friday #4th #August


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