Nowitzki in der Hall of Fame

Former basketball star Dirk Nowitzki has been inducted into the “Hall of Fame”. (usa today sports / USA Today Sports)

“Hall of Fame” is English and means “Hall of Fame”. It is the greatest honor for basketball players to be admitted. Dirk Nowitzki is the first German to do that. At the celebration, the 45-year-old said: “It means everything to me.”

The German played in the US professional league for 21 years – always for the same club. They were the “Dallas Mavericks” from the federal state of Texas. Nowitzki became an American basketball champion with the team. He was also one of the best players in the league – he is 6th in the list of the best scorers.

Dirk Nowitzki is still very popular. Not only his family attended the celebration, but also many acquaintances, sponsors and former colleagues. There is a Nowitzki statue in Dallas. A street is also named after him.


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