NFL Considers Brazil as Potential Host for American Football Match

Brazil may soon become another alternative stage for an NFL (National Football League) match. The main American football league in the world, after having already taken commitments to England and scheduled, for the 2023 season, three more in the city of London, and two in Frankfurt, Germany, is studying to make a medium-term match in Brazil feasible .

The Morumbi, Neo Química Arena and Allianz Parque stadiums were visited by representatives of the American league, according to the, at the beginning of the last week of August, precisely to understand the conditions to hold the desired event in the city of São Paulo and also to carry out a field study to define which location will have the best conditions for this. Rio de Janeiro also showed interest in the event.

Brazil, one of the main NFL markets in the world, was close to hosting a match of the American sports season, in 2017, at Maracanã, but the initiative ended up not going forward due to a lack of agreement with the state government. From Rio.

Even with the visits, there is still no decision on the venue or the character of the match, whether it will be just a friendly, or a regular-season game. The league, in addition, did not say when it will respond to the decision by the headquarters, according to the visited clubs. The match, moreover, also has no date to take place.

*Intern under the supervision of Marcos Paulo Lima

2023-08-30 20:44:00
#NFL #considers #holding #match #Brazil


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