NBA Fines Anthony Edwards $50,000 for Chair Incident

The NBA has announced a $50,000 fine imposed on Anthony Edwards. The Timberwolves player has been penalized for “recklessly hitting a chair in frustration and colliding with two assistants”, something he did while leaving the Ball Arena track. Said incident took place after the fifth game of the first round of the playoffs, which resulted in a 112-109 defeat by Minnesota and which meant the elimination of the team from the playoffs.

The most surprising thing about this sanction is how late it comes, since said match was played on April 25, more than three months ago. In this sense, the league clarifies that, as specified in the collective agreement, its intervention in the matter has had to wait until the criminal investigation into the player’s conduct was concluded, which resulted in the dismissal of all charges. .

Edwards is currently in the concentration of the United States team, which has traveled to Malaga to play two friendlies to prepare for the World Cup. In them they will measure Slovenia and Spain, thus testing themselves against two of the teams that arrive wanting to make noise at the international tournament.

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(Cover photo: Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)

2023-08-09 20:00:00
#NBA #fines #Anthony #Edwards


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