NBA Club Orlando Magic Sparks Controversy with Major Donation to Republican Presidential Candidate

NBA Club Orlando Magic Sparks Controversy with Major Donation to Republican Presidential Candidate

Imagine FC Bayern supporting a candidate in the general election with a large monetary donation. Inconceivably! It’s different in the US…

NBA club Orlando Magic pumped a whopping $ 50,000 (about 45,500 euros) into the election campaign of Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis (44). This is evident from the records of the US Electoral Service.

The donation was received on June 26 by Never Back Down, a support group linked to the Florida governor’s presidential campaign.

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Source: TikTok @pandachurches, DAZN 08/02/2023

What’s behind it? DeSantis has ambitions for the presidency in 2024. However, he must first prevail against ex-President Donald Trump (77) – because he also throws his hat in the ring for the Republicans. So the NBA club supports a Trump opponent.

The donation causes a mega uproar in the USA! Shortly after the news broke, numerous players were critical.

Now the NBA’s players’ union has stepped in, calling the behavior “alarming.” The NBPA statement said, “A political donation by the Orlando Magic is alarming given the recipient’s recent statements and policies.”

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And further: “NBA governors, players and employees have the right to express their personal political views, including through donations and statements. However, when donations are made on behalf of an entire team, using money earned through the labor of employees, it is incumbent on team owners to consider the different values ​​and perspectives of employees and players. Magic’s donation does not constitute player support for the recipient.”

One thing is certain: there has never been anything like it in US sports! Normally, the team bosses dig deep into their pockets and support their preferred candidate with private donations – but not on behalf of the entire association.

The pressure was so great that the Orlando Magic is now rowing back. They clarified, “To be clear, this donation was made before Governor DeSantis entered the presidential race. It was given by a Florida corporation in support of a Florida governor to keep central Florida prosperous.” The donation was announced a week before DeSantis’ official candidacy.

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The Orlando Magic are run by the wealthy DeVos family of Michigan. However, a family spokesman told CNN, “No member of the DeVos family has endorsed or offered financial support to any of the 2024 presidential candidates at this time.” He declined to say more.

So many question marks about the ominous donation…

2023-08-05 07:39:53
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