National Team Captain Svenja Brunckhorst Takes on New Role to Promote Girls’ and Women’s Basketball at ALBA Berlin

National team captain Svenja Brunckhorst should continue to promote girls’ and women’s basketball at ALBA Berlin.

The 31-year-old takes over the newly created management position as manager for the girls’ and women’s division after the premiere season of the capital’s women in the Bundesliga.

Initially, she will continue to represent the club as a player and then devote herself to her new role full-time from 2024/25.

“We will continue to consistently promote women’s and girls’ sports,” said ALBA Managing Director Marco Baldi.

And added: “We invested a lot in professional structures and played a great first season in the Bundesliga. We are now developing more dedicated players, coaches and referees than almost any other club.” Now the next development step should be reached.

2023-08-23 10:20:13
#Svenja #Brunckhorst #promote #womens #basketball


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