Marc Gasol Delays Decision on Joining Bàsquet Girona Squad

In an interview with the club on social networks, Marc Gasol has confirmed that he will not start the season as part of the Bàsquet Girona squad. In the absence of a signing to close the group, the Spanish center takes a step aside to make the final decision on his present and future, since this does not rule out that he will join the rest of his teammates a little later. he. These have been his words:

«What I know for sure is that I will not start the season. It is costing me much more than I expected to make the decision. It is being a more complicated introspective exercise than I anticipated. Normally you see everything very objectively, you try to put everything in your space. When you put yourself and have it in front of you, it is not so simple. So I think the smart thing to do right now is not to start the season. Don’t start at Bàsquet Girona… and then we’ll see. There is another boy to come, an interior player. And with this player we consider the squad closed.

At the end of last season, the time I needed was a physical issue. I got very right to the end. It was a bit unconscious and irresponsible on my part, but I felt that the team needed it and we pushed forward. Now time is no longer for that. Now time is another type of time and another type of decision. Of acceptance of reality and thinking about the future, which is what it touches. Then you have to make a decision that is not easy to make. That it has a very big impact, first on myself and then on everyone around you. And it’s not being as easy as expected, really. I also apologize to the people who are pending, because I know that it is not easy to understand and understand. And that should be much clearer. But believe me, it is something that is in me every day and what I think about at all times»

Photo: acb Photo / F. Rodriguez

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2023-08-18 13:44:05
#Marc #Gasols #words #present #future


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