Mancini, the mother: “He never got over Vialli’s death” – Football

The choice of Robert Mancini to leave the guide of the National surprised the entire football world who didn’t expect the coach’s resignation. Among the people who were not aware of the decision of the technician from the Marches there was also Mancini’s mother: “I learned it from my cousin, I was surprised too,” said Marianna Puolo in an interview with the National newspaper.

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“He is now on holiday in France”

The woman cannot explain what prompted her son to resign. “Now he’s in France on holiday and I haven’t heard from him yet – he says -. I’ll certainly talk to him later and we too will try to understand something more. If he wants, Roberto will explain to me why he made this decision and we will always be his parents neighbors. This will always be his home. With Roberto we never talk about his work. Our relationship has always been like this. We only care that he is well”.

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Vialli’s death

Then the revelation: “Roberto has a big heart – underlines his mother -. He never really got over the death of Gianluca Vialli. He was very close to him.”

2023-08-14 10:52:51
#Mancini #mother #Viallis #death #Football


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