Luis Enrique Discusses PSG’s Dominating Style and Transfer Window Plans


Luis Enrique highlights his taste for “dominating”

“We analyzed all the teams, starting with Lorient. We know my gpout to dominate in a match, we want to occupy the opposing half of the field. We will be careful with transitions, which are important in France and England. We worked three points: attacking football, counter-pressing and positions.”


“Dembélé is not yet a PSG player”, explains Luis Enrique

“He’s not yet a PSG player, he won’t be here tomorrow. He’s missing a little something. 100% no, but 99% he’s a PSG player.”


The favorite PSG for the title of champion of France? Yes, says Luis Enrique

“Yes clearly. We are one of the best teams in the championship, we want to win all the titles.”


“Zaire-Emery enchants me”, says Luis Enrique

“I don’t usually say who will start. I warn the players in the afternoon. Warren is a player who delights me, one of the best young people in current football. He is a very intelligent player and technique. PSG takes care of its young people.”


Luis Enrique on the transfer window

“We do what is necessary for the transfer window. We are open to anything that can help the team. We are attentive to what is happening on all the spostes. The transfer window is difficult for everyone. the world and it’s something we accept.”


“I’m not leaving here”, Luis Enrique has not yet seen Paris

“I haven’t seen Paris yet, I’ve only been there once but also this week at the Parc des Princes. I found the stadium very beautiful. For the rest, I’m not leaving here (from the training center in Poissy), I work constantly. Since my arrival, pn puts me in the best conditions, to create a real team.”


Luis Enrique invites to watch “his actions” for Verratti and Neymar

“As I explained for Mbappé in the first question, I gave my point of view.”

“About Marco (Verratti) and Neymar, I usually do not reveal the conversations with my players. On the other hand, I invite you to be attentive to my actions because it is my decisions that will express my opinion.”


Luis Enrique wants ‘total football’

“I really want 95 minutes where the team is competitive. All league and cup games condition those in the Champions League. I want total football, attack, pressing. We are professionals and we want to give joy. From what the players transmit to me, I feel that. The rhythm is very high in training. Lorient will cause us problems because they are a very good team. I want us to be the bosses from the 1st to the 90th minute.”


Luis Enrique would like a solution to be found for Mbappé

“I don’t speak much French but this one I understood well. On the Mbappé theme, it’s a theme we’ve already encountered in the past and a solution had been found between the club and the player. That’s what I would love to. The philosophy of this club is very clear: that the club is above everything and I share that 100 per cent.”


“I can’t wait to meet these supporters,” says Luis Enrique on the club’s channel

“Is it special? I discovered the Parc des Princes this week which is very spectacular. I can’t wait to meet these supporters.”


“There is a very good atmosphere”, assures Luis Enrique on the club channel

“We had a very good week of training. There is a very good atmosphere. I am very optimistic and happy. We have worked on the first teams that we will face Toulouse, Lorient. Lorient is a team that plays very well . “


Nasser Al-Khelaïfi will attend the match on Saturday

According to our information, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi will be present tomorrow evening at the Parc des Princes for the match against Lorient. On the other hand, the Emir of Qatar will be absent.

Arthur Perrot


Verratti present in training

Despite his status as a player pushed towards the exit, Marco Verratti is very present in training for the main group. The day’s session started with a long group discussion with Luis Enrique, who gave his instructions.

The players then took part in a toro, with Luis Enrique asking for rhythm in a good-natured atmosphere.

Nordi Mukiele, still in the recovery phase, trains separately. For Kylian Mbappé, his session with the “loft” is scheduled for 5 p.m.



PSG formalizes several packages for Lorient

PSG published its medical statement this Friday on the eve of the reception of Lorient, Saturday (9 p.m., 1st day of Ligue 1). Affected by a virus, Neymar will not train with the group today and could be part of the packages against Hake.

The medical point of PSG:

– Neymar Jr is recovering from viral syndrome and training indoors today.
– Recovered from his hamstring operation, Nordi Mukiele alternates individual and collective training.
– Nuno Mendes works individually on the pitch and will resume with the group within 15 days.
– Alexandre Letellier continues his care following his sprained knee. A return to the group is planned in 15 days.
– Juan Bernat is doing reinforcement work in the gym today.
– Presnel Kimpembe resumed running after his Achilles tendon surgery.


See you at 1:00 p.m. for the press conference

Hello, welcome to this live RMC Sport to follow Luis Enrique’s first pre-match press conference at Paris Saint-Germain live. The Spanish coach has not spoken to journalists since his official presentation at the PSG Campus in Poissy.

To launch its 2023-2024 season, PSG receives FC Lorient on Saturday evening (9:00 p.m.) for the first day of Ligue 1.

In the meantime, Kylian Mbappé, still in conflict with the club’s management, continues to train with the “loft” of undesirable players.

2023-08-11 11:08:02
#LIVE #PSG #Mbappé #Neymar #recovery #Luis #Enrique #sweeps #busy #news


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