Livestream Track Cycling World Championships: Gold for Kopecky, will Devisser also get a medal? | World Championship track cycling

Sun 06 August 2023 21:30

Lotte Kopecky has secured a first Belgian world title at the Track Cycling World Championships. She lived up to her favorite role brilliantly in the elimination race. Nicky Dezuile and (a battered) Fabio Van Den Bossche will come into action later, a medal is also possible for them. Don’t miss anything on Canvas, VRT Max or via the live stream.

belgians on 6 august 12.58 hrs Nicky Dekloke 1/4th finals keirin (f) 3rd in heat, to semifinal 3.28 hrs Fabio Van Den Bossche omnium: scratch (m) 17th 19.13 hrs Nicky Delozen 1/2nd finals keirin (f) 3rd in heat, to final 7:22 PM Fabio Van Den Bossche omnium: tempo race (m) 6th 7:33 PM Lotte Kopecky final elimination (f) 1st, gold 8:16 PM Fabio Van Den Bossche omnium: elimination (m) 13th 8:57 PM Nicky Delozen finals keirin (f ) 21.12 Fabio Van Den Bossche omnium: points race (m) spinner21 hours 37. The moped leaves, the tension is clearly palpable. .

The moped leaves, the tension is clearly palpable.

21 hours 37. In the past, De latche has done it before. Renate Schotte.

It has already been done in the past.

Renate Schotte

21 hours 35. In keirin a kind of moped is used to bring the 6 riders to 45 km/h in 3 laps. Then that moped goes away and there are still 3 rounds to go. It is very simple in that, the order in which they cross the line is also the result. .

In keirin a kind of moped is used to bring the 6 riders to 45 km/h in 3 rounds. Then that moped goes away and there are still 3 rounds to go. It is very simple in that, the order in which they cross the line is also the result.

21h35. Good draw for Degaate. De latche loot the 4th place as starting position. She can’t suppress a smile, it’s an ideal draw. .

Good draw for Dekloke

De latche loot the 4th place as starting position. She can’t suppress a smile, it’s an ideal draw.

21h30. Finals of keirin start. In a great evening session we have now reached the keirin finals. After a race for 7th place, it’s up to De Groete. She became world champion in the number in 2018, but has never won a medal since. .

Finals of keirin start

In a great evening session we have now reached the keirin finals. After a race for 7th place, it’s up to De Groete. She became world champion in the number in 2018, but has never won a medal since.

21:06. New Zealander Stewart wins, lepe Leitao second. The Portuguese Leitao, winner of the first 2 parts, seems to hang on to the elimination time and time again. However, he rides his skin again and again and is finally allowed to sprint against the New Zealander Stewart for the victory. Stewart can still deal with the Portuguese, he wins the elimination race. Leitao finishes 2nd, the overall victory in the omnium can hardly escape him. .

New Zealander Stewart wins, Lepe Leitao second

The Portuguese Leitao, winner of the first 2 parts, seems to hang on to the elimination time and time again. However, he rides his skin again and again and is finally allowed to sprint against the New Zealander Stewart for the victory.

Stewart can still deal with the Portuguese, he wins the elimination race. Leitao finishes 2nd, the overall victory in the omnium can hardly escape him.

21 hours . Van Den Bossche had the legs to go even further. Renate Schotte.

Van Den Bossche had the legs to go even further.

Renate Schotte

21 hours . Van Den Bossche curses after early elimination in the elimination race (Omnium).

Van Den Bossche curses after early elimination in the elimination race (Omnium)

20 hours 59. Fabio Van Den Bossche goes out. Van Den Bossche gets trapped and then the verdict is inexorable. He is the last to cross the line and finishes this elimination race in 13th place. .

Fabio Van Den Bossche is out

Van Den Bossche gets trapped and then the verdict is inexorable. He is the last to cross the line and finishes this elimination race in 13th place.

20:58. Riders are eliminated at a high rate, Van Den Bossche moves forward extra to be safe. .

Riders are eliminated at a high rate, Van Den Bossche moves forward extra to be safe.

20:57. Fabio Van Den Bossche is still in his comfort zone. Renate Schotte.

Fabio Van Den Bossche is still in his comfort zone.

Renate Schotte

20:53. Just not a fall for Van Den Bossche. Soon after Fabio Van Den Bossche falls, luckily he keeps himself upright this time. This morning things turned out differently for him. .

Just not a fall for Van Den Bossche

Soon after Fabio Van Den Bossche falls, luckily he keeps himself upright this time. This morning things turned out differently for him.

20:52. While we watch Kopecky’s medal ceremony, Van Den Bossche has started the penultimate part of the omnium. He is also in a knockout race. .

While we watch Kopecky’s medal ceremony, Van Den Bossche has started the penultimate part of the omnium. He is also in a knockout race.

20 hours 47. We have seen a great example of top sport here. Renate Schotte.

We have seen a great example of top sport here.

Renate Schotte

8:46 pm. Ganna insanely! Daniel Bigham seems to keep Filippo Ganna behind for a long time. In the last lap, however, the Italian makes up another full second and extends his world title in the individual pursuit. .

Ganna in a crazy way!

Daniel Bigham seems to keep Filippo Ganna behind for a long time. In the last lap, however, the Italian makes up another full second and extends his world title in the individual pursuit.

20:45. Brabançonne resounds for Kopecky in Glasgow.

Brabançonne resounds for Kopecky in Glasgow

20:43. Kopecky: “Fingers in the nose? You can not say that”.

Kopecky: “Fingers in the nose? You can not say that”

20:40. Jonathan Milan convincingly takes bronze, can his compatriot Ganna follow that good example? .

Jonathan Milan convincingly takes bronze, can his compatriot Ganna follow that good example?

8:34 pm. Individual pursuit final. A new peak, without Belgians, presents itself. The final of the men’s individual pursuit promises to be spectacular. Filippo Ganna and Daniel Bigham will soon compete for gold, first it is up to Ivo Oliveira and Jonathan Milan for bronze. .

Final individual pursuit

A new peak, without Belgians, presents itself. The final of the men’s individual pursuit promises to be spectacular. Filippo Ganna and Daniel Bigham will soon compete for gold, first it is up to Ivo Oliveira and Jonathan Milan for bronze.

8:30 pm. Impressively strong Lotte Kopecky takes the world title in the elimination.

Impressively strong Lotte Kopecky takes the world title in the elimination

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2023-08-06 19:30:00
#Livestream #Track #Cycling #World #Championships #Gold #Kopecky #Devisser #medal #World #Championship #track #cycling


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