LeuzArena Hosts Indiaca World Championships: Multilingual Crowd and International Ambiance

German, Luxembourg, Swiss or even Estonian car plates: in view of its parking lot, the LeuzArena has had a hard time, since this mid-week, to hide that it is hosting an event of international scope. While Tuesday evening served as the opening ceremony, on Wednesday morning, the Indiaca World Championships kicked off in the magnificent Leuzois sports hall. Throughout the day, the matches followed one another on this first day of competition in front of well-filled stands. With, in the background, a clever mix of different languages: French of course, a lot of German and English, but also a little Japanese, representatives of the country of the Rising Sun being there with an incredibly communicative fervor.

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2023-08-02 15:35:03
#Indiaca #exchanges #Leuzois #World #Cup


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