Leones del Caracas Sign 17-Year-Old Infielder Kleiver Chauran

The Leones del Caracas do not stop to guarantee the future of the organization. This Monday infielder Kleiver Chauran was announced as a new signing for the Caraquista team.

The 17-year-old baseball player belongs to the Tampa Bay Rays and currently lives in the Dominican Republic Summer League, MiLB branch.

Kleiver Chauran currently has a .246 average, with 34 hits, five doubles, 17 RBIs, 24 runs scored in 39 games.

As an additional fact, Chauran can hit with both hands and can defend second, third and shortstop. Also, his fielding percentage is .826.

This would be the 11th hiring of the ninth from the capital for the upcoming season of the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League. Receiver Ricardo Peña was recently signed.

Read also: Blasini: “Corners will give solidity to the offense”

The Leones del Caracas prepare to defend their winter baseball title in Venezuela by adding new pieces to their roster.

2023-08-15 09:40:23
#Lions #added #infielder


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