José Alberti broke ties with Emelec and would be a new reinforcement of the tricolors

FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy

The midfielder José Alberti will become the fifth high of Nacional, after a lightning agreement was reached after his departure from Emelec of Ecuador.

Alberti, 26 years old, began his career with Juventud de Las Piedras, before moving on to Boston River and later to the Ecuadorian team.

In the electric ones he played a total of 17 games where he gave two assists and completed a total of 853′ on the field.

After rescinding with the team, everything was on track to end up in Sarmiento de Junín until the call from the tricolors came and everything changed. The player chose to wear the tricolor jacket and everything was resolved quickly.

The footballer will arrive with a contract with a year and a half extension and will join the arrivals of Gonzalo Carneiro, Franco Romero, Gonzalo Castro and Gabriel Báez.

FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy

SoccerUy – Montevideo Portal

2023-08-04 19:38:00
#José #Alberti #broke #ties #Emelec #reinforcement #tricolors


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