Join the Exciting IJsselsport Camp for Youth Ages 6-13!

Are you between 6 and 13 years old and do you want to participate in the IJsselsport camp? You can come and exercise for one day or even two days and you can also stay overnight.

It is an initiative of culture, sport & exercise and welfare organization ‘ut Huus’. They facilitate and organize initiatives, services and activities for and by residents of the municipality of Olst-Wijhe. This two-day youth event has a nice agenda.

On Wednesday, August 30:
– Grand opening
– fire breathing, song & dance workshops
football & hockey

And for those who stay the night there is dinner and a colorful evening

Thursday August 31:
– swimming
– sports & games dinner with apenkooi, Krav Maga and badminton
– festive closing

You can register via the site wherever the conditions and useful tips can be found.

Location of the camp will be at: ‘t Spoc in Wijhe, Lange Slagen 29.

2023-08-22 17:20:45
#IJsselsportkamp #twoday #event #young #people


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