Japanese Youth Sports Exchange Team Visits Gwangju Kimchi Town and Embraces Korean Culture

▲ Visiting ‘Gwangju Kimchi Town’, Korea-Japan youth sports exchange team

[성남신문=성남신문] 208 Japanese athletes (soccer, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, and badminton) participating in the 27th Korea-Japan Youth Sports Exchange Tournament visited Kimchi Town in Gwangju on August 11 and participated in a kimchi experience event.

At the Kimchi Museum, we looked around the exhibits on the taste and characteristics of Gwangju kimchi, and participated in a kimchi-making experience event. He mixed various ingredients prepared with the kimchi master and tasted various types of kimchi, including white kimchi.

In particular, kimchi made by hand was donated to a youth orphanage in Gwangju by representatives of Korean and Japanese athletes. (Yongjin Orphanage, Mudeung Orphanage)
The Japanese team participating in the exchange event sponsored by Gwangju Metropolitan City and held for six days from the 9th to the 14th visited various attractions in Gwangju, including the Asian Culture Center and the City Museum of Art, to learn about the culture of Gwangju and exchanged culture with each other. take the time to understand

The event will end on the afternoon of the 14th with the departure of the Japanese team.

Jeon Kap-soo, chairman of the Sports Council, said, “It would have been a valuable opportunity not only for sports but also for experiencing Korean culture in Gwangju, the cultural city of Asia, and for teenagers from both countries to build friendship and grow one step further.”

2023-08-11 14:41:57
#Visiting #Gwangju #Kimchi #Town #KoreaJapan #youth #sports #exchange #team #Seongnam #Newspaper


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