James Harden’s Standoff with Sixers: The Crucial Conflict Rocking the NBA

The folder James Harden, who has been asking for his transfer since the opening of the free agency, is looking good. In order to get his trade, the player entered into an open war with the Sixers. It is therefore without much surprise that we learn that the point guard does not intend to attend training camp in Philadelphia before the start of the NBA season.

“A source close to Harden said Harden’s plans have not changed since his transfer request in mid-July and that he currently has no intention of attending training camp.”wrote Joe Vardon of The Athletic.

This data – which is not surprising – probably does not change the situation of the Sixers. The franchise refuses to transfer its leader without a consideration that is worth it. Daryl Morey still hopes to bring his player back, at least for the 2023-2024 season. He, for his part, considers that his relationship with the team is “irreparable”.

Why the conflict between James Harden and the Sixers is crucial for the NBA

James Harden’s plan is to make life difficult in Philadelphia in order to give up the leadership. It is certainly with this in mind that the former MVP publicly attacked Morey during his tour of China. Absenteeism, at training camp and at matches, is one of his main levers, although he is exposed to potential sanctions.

It remains to be seen how far the two camps are willing to go and which will crack first. Meanwhile, the NBA is investigating Harden’s moves, as well as those of the Sixers.

James Harden, Sixers decision-makers totally in tune

2023-08-20 12:01:17
#James #Harden #attend #Sixers #training #camp


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