Instinct and ambition are confused in the figure of Mads Pedersen

Belittling the Mads Pedersen World Cup is not acceptable

On Mads Pedersen’s victory in Yorkshire, I see people plumbing the recent present to find such a shock outcome.

They tell me about Romans Vainsteins, before maybe Oskar Camendzind.

To say that Oscar Freire’s triumph in Verona in 1999 was not a surprise would be lying.

Before there was Rudy Dhaenens, the Belgian who lived nervous and died too young.

Alessandro Ballan was world champion and little else was known.

They are names taken at random, following with the finger the list of winners of the world championship, the most beautiful race in the world, and now that of Mads Pedersen appears.

Alleging the quality and track record of the Dane to say that it has not been a surprise is not enough.

Seen now, we fear that many We’re sorry Mads Pedersen’s name slipped out of the shortlist..

His up to now has not been flashy, although he showed manners.

He was the last to fall before the recital of a roller like Niki Terpstra last year in Flanders.

Previously, he was known for World Cup podiums, second in Florence 2013, won by a certain Mathieu Van der Poel, that was the youth world championship.

Looking at this record, we cannot think that anyone has won, as suggested in certain comments.

In this blessed country if a Spaniard does not prevail, and Valverde the trick we already saw how it ended, let him be a star.

If someone from this circle does not win, the race has been a hoax, when in a World Cup things are not so simple.

write down that Mads Pedersen has taken one of the toughest world championships in recent years.

The feeling of extreme conditions, the speed, the danger, the pools of water, the hardness of the route,… it was all a trap.

Mads Pedersen defines in an interview his victory as an act of survival.

«It is that it is like the Spanish army, they have been led to fight against the elements»I have been told.

And it’s true, but the elements were for everyone, they were the game board.

Mads Pedersen moved to promote Jakob Fuglsang’s subsequent attack,

On the origins of DT Swiss

He moved like in Flanders, when he was second, before the greats began the dance, he took meters, only that, because the peloton had him in sight.

More than one take corroborates it, and not exactly close to the finish line, more than forty away from crossing the arc.

But this Pedersen is tough, reliable and solid.

He swam and swam at a hell of a pace with the big names right there, close by.

But not content with this, he joined the wheel of Van der Poel’s counterattack with Trentin.

The same jump that left the Belgians dry, Alaphilippethe same cut that Gorka Izagirre could not catch, Mads Pedersen let it come and anchored, knowing that in the fortune of discards, the podium was getting closer.

Now, in retrospect, everyone wonders what would have happened if Kung’s pull had had the continuity of Trentin, or if he lets Moscon in and they play two Italians in a cut of four.

It’s all guesswork.

Mads Pedersen endured the unbearable to continue there, Moscon stayed and saw that Trentin was still not the boss we all thought.

Everything else we saw, he stayed behind, looked at his rivals, deciphered Trentin’s bluff, knew Kung was dead and bam.

Full-fledged world champion, competing admirably, nailing every moment, every move, surviving the elements, the best rivals in the world.

Where Van der Poel, Alaphilippe, Valverde, Van Avermaet and Sagan did not arrive, Mads Pedersen arrived and that is no small thing.

Image: Yorkshire FB

2023-08-15 22:04:03
#Instinct #ambition #confused #figure #Mads #Pedersen


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