Injudet Sports Summer 2023: A Successful Program for Youth Development and Fun


More than 140 girls and boys learn, play and have fun in the Injudet Sports Summer 2023, which progresses successfully this Monday with its second week of activities that take place at the Ciudad Deportiva facilities.

This summer course is organized by the Government of Tabasco through the Institute for Youth and Sports of Tabasco (Injudet), coordinated by the Department of Sports of the agency headed by Mtra. Jessyca Mayo Aparicio.

The teachings have progressed satisfactorily, since there are more than 30 assistants and trainers trained in the disciplines of athletics, boxing, baseball 5, fencing, judo and weightlifting, specialties that seek to capture new values ​​with a view to sports development.

The youngsters were organized into age groups, being Lynces from 6 to 8 years old, Jaguars from 9-10 years and Lions from 11-12 years, teams that take three hours of activities including two daily sports and one hour of recreation.

So far, the work has been carried out without any setback, since there is hydration and trained personnel, in addition to the support of the Ministry of Public Security, a scenario that is expected to be maintained until the conclusion of the camp, which will be next Friday, August 18. .

2023-08-15 01:00:49
#fun #learn #Injudet #Sports #Summer


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