Industriales Secures Spot in Cuban Baseball Championship After 11-Year Hiatus

HAVANA, Cuba, Aug 2 (ACN) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel celebrated the victory of Havana’s baseball team Industriales over Santiago de Cuba, which gave the winners the chance to compete for the 52nd National Championship after 11 years.

Díaz-Canel thanked the fans of both teams for packing the stadiums and giving fresh impetus to the so-called Cuban Baseball Classic, as the games between the Lions (Industriales) and the Hornets (Santiago de Cuba) are traditionally nicknamed.

Industriales, who won 3-1 as visitors the seventh and last game of the playoffs, will now play for the pennant against team Las Tunas (the Woodcutters) at the latter’s home.

2023-08-02 23:10:47
#DíazCanel #hails #Havana #baseball #teams #victory #playoffs


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