Hassles and Withdrawals: A Challenging Tournament at Bjorn’s Club

Despite the three covered courts available to his Bjorn’s Club, Nicolas Trentin does not hide that it was a hassle to complete his tournament. “The weather made my job very complicated. Since I started as a referee, it has been my worst week! I spent more time trying to maintain and redo the pitches than on the chair! We had had 293 registrations and therefore there was a considerable number of matches to schedule. I had no choice but to contact other clubs: Montagnard, Orée du Bois, Bois du Prince, Lausprelle and Thuin And the atmosphere was not the same as usual, with the players staying at the club for less time.”

Like last year, the Bjorn’s Club had set up a men’s table 1 appearing in the Belgian Circuit. It was stamped with three stars, two less than last year. “We were disappointed with the large number of withdrawals and withdrawals, which is why we preferred to count on three stars.” Three A-rated players signed up: Niels Cleeren (42nd Belgian player), Arnaud Destrebecq (46th) and Zian Vanderstappen (52nd). In the semi-finals, Cleeren benefited from the abandonment of Vanderstappen while Destrebecq was surprised by a Mathieu Strauss (B-15.4, 135th) who then went to the final to pay the scalp of his second series A. Unfortunately Neo Ip (B-15.4, 93rd), who should have defended the colors of the club in this final table, forfeited just before. Another local player, Lucas Trentin, undefeated until then, had also registered for men 1. He beat B-15.1 Thibaut Colin (295th) in pre-qualifications but was then beaten by B-15.2 Paolo Col (170th). He then lost his second match of the year in the men’s semi-final 2, surprised by Maxime Vanderschrick (B0, Smashing Nivellois).

Suddenly the title of the Farciennois of the week goes to Vicenzo Alestra (C30.4), author of the double 45-4/45-5. He is one head ahead of Raphaël Salengros (C30.6), titled 35-6.

Two finals for three players

Two Valentins, Peetermans (C30.2, Kalypso) and Prévot (C30.4, RC Baulet), each had two finals to play on Sunday: one at RTC Gosselies, the other at Bjorn’s. If Prévot won both in men 6, Peetermans, victorious at the RTCG, lost in Farciennes against Thudinien Téo Francart (C30.3) in men 5. A victory (45-3) and a lost final (men 4), it is also the balance sheet of Christian Degay (C15.3). Degay was not the only Bois du Prince player to win a draw at Bjorn’s Club: Igor Herinckx (B + 2/6) won in men 3.

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2023-08-01 08:34:00
#Tennis #party #partly #ruined #Bjorns #Club #Farciennes #due #bad #weather


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