Gravina ‘Reggina? The city could restart from the amateurs’ – Football

“What future for Reggina after the appeal rejected by the Tar? The club will have the possibility to appeal to article 52, paragraph 10, we will evaluate it together with the Amateur League”. Word of Gabriele Gravina, president of the Football Federation, at the end of the Federal Council, regarding the possibility for the amaranth club – whose appeal for the B was also rejected by the TAR – to resort to the NOIF article which establishes that, in the event of non-admission to the Serie A, Serie B and Serie C championships, “subject to the opinion of the Commission set up for this purpose, allows the city of the non-admitted club to participate with its own club in an LND Championship”. “Reggio Calabria is an important place but we have to take into account the balance of our championships. If the decision of the State Council on repechage is issued on August 29, we are far enough, compared to previous years, for an application of 52 paragraph 10. The FIGC, however, has always been very sensitive not to mortify important squares”, concludes Gravina.

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2023-08-04 14:49:10
#Gravina #Reggina #city #restart #amateurs #Football


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