Friendly Match Against Pallacanestro Forlì 2.015: Faenza Comes Out on Top

Friendly Match Against Pallacanestro Forlì 2.015: Faenza Comes Out on Top

The friendly against Pallacanestro Forlì 2.015 goes to Faenza. Good indications for coach Antimo Martino. The red and whites put mutual knowledge into the engine and offer interesting ideas to their coach. The players available to Martino were all involved, and he used his players with controlled playing time, giving plenty of space to the young players who were brought in for preparation.

Faenza shows up with Galassi, Tomasini, Siberna, Aromando and Poggi, immediately putting Forlì in difficulty especially under the basket. The great star is Aromando, author of 10 points (he will finish with 21) in the first quarter won 21-16. In the second period, won by the Blacks 25-24, Unieuro became more dangerous, but the Raggisolaris withstood the impact by responding in kind especially from long range. Galassi, Tomasini and Poggi strike from outside, but the excellent automatisms of the Faenza game are above all to be underlined.

The third period is more fought and is always in balance with the pace that does not decrease despite the great heat inside the arena. Also in this case the Blacks manage to win the fraction thanks to three free throws in the final by Tomasini, astute in earning the foul and making the 3/3 from the line for 22-21. In the final period Pope was the protagonist with 6 points in the first minutes all born from assists from Vico then Forlì starts to hit on the counterattack and takes the lead by winning the quarter 28-25. Among the singles, the ballistic test of Galassi was very positive, 13 points with 4 triples, as well as that of Aromando who scored 21 points and Papa who scored 16.

Next appointment, Monday evening with the presentation of the team to the fans. Then, the field will call the red and white in Lignano Sabbiadoro for the Bortoluzzi memorial, on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd September.

Unieuro Forlì – Blacks Faenza 89 – 93 (16 -21; 24-25; 21-22; 28-25)

Unieuro Forlì: Valentini 10, Cinciarini 18, Pollone 11, Pasture 8, Zilli 2, Zampini 10, Tassone 9, Radonjic 4, Munari 7, Borciu 2, Zilio, Pinza 8, Galarza. All.: Antimo Martino. Ass.: Andrea Fabrizi, Paolo Ruggeri.

Blacks Faenza: Galassi 13, Papa 18, Siberna 8, Vico 9, Naccari, Poggi 10, Ballarin, Petrucci 5, Aromando 21, Tomasini 9, Pastore in All.: Gigi Garelli. Ass.: Matteo Pio, Iacopo Monteventi.

2023-08-26 21:53:53
#Interesting #points #coach #Antimo #Martino #test #Faenza


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