Francesca Friend Returns to Viagrande Basketball for Third Year: Aiming for Personal and Team Growth

Two growing seasons, in terms of performance and sporting maturity. In the viewfinder, now, there is the third, in which he wants to take the leading role. Frances Friend, for the third consecutive year, he marries the technical project of the Viagrande basketball. Power forward, born in 2002, Francesca is one of the most impressive prospects in the two-year period that earned the Etna club two Sicilian Serie B titles.

First of all, I am thrilled to be part of this project once again”explains Francesca, who continues: “Given the sporting and human esteem I have for Tania, I hope to be able to have further personal growth, both on and off the field. I have never worked, however, with Gabriella. It will be a new experience, but I’m sure I can learn a lot from her too. The target? We will always try to go one step further than the previous season.”

2023-08-25 18:16:58
#Viagrande #basketball #confirmed #power #Francesca #Amico


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