Football Leaks Trial: Rui Pinto’s Defense Delayed as Session Suspended

© Reinaldo Rodrigues/Global Imagens

Rui Pinto’s defense, which was due to close this Friday three days of final arguments in the Football Leaks trial, should only argue on January 16, due to the request of Aníbal Pinto’s defense, which suspended the session.

The court decided to grant two days for the defense of the creator of the electronic platform and the Public Ministry to analyze the application, which cites a preliminary report made by a company to Aníbal Pinto’s computer at the request of the defendant in this process, who allegedly indicated that a email sent in 2015 by Pedro Henriques, lawyer for Doyen CEO Nélio Lucas, represented an attack by the method of phishing.

“It is not possible to continue the allegations. The court gives two days”, said the presiding judge Margarida Alves, after this request caused an interruption of work that lasted for about 45 minutes and following the positions taken by the different assistants in the process on this matter.

And if the Bar Association or Sporting avoided commenting, most of the assistants criticized Aníbal Pinto and his defense, pointing out “delaying maneuvers” and defending that the application – which asks for a computer expertise and the cross-examination of the witnesses José Amador, Rogério Bravo, Nélio Lucas and Pedro Henriques — was rejected.

However, the prosecutor began by asking for a period to study the issue and then said that it could already be pronounced in the afternoon, but as Rui Pinto’s lawyer, Francisco Teixeira da Mota, warned of the “complexity” and the “technical issues” raised with the request, the court ended up granting two days for this analysis, sending the continuation of the trial to 16 January.

Rui Pinto, 34 years old, is responsible for a total of 90 crimes: 68 of improper access, 14 of violation of correspondence, six of illegitimate access, targeting entities such as Sporting, Doyen, the law firm PLMJ, the Portuguese Federation of Football (FPF) and the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), and also for computer sabotage to Sporting’s SAD and for extortion, in the attempted form. This last crime concerns Doyen and was what also led to the pronunciation of lawyer Aníbal Pinto.

The creator of Football Leaks has been free since August 7, 2020, “due to his collaboration” with the Judiciary Police (PJ) and his “critical sense”, but is, for security reasons, included in the witness protection at an undisclosed location and under police protection.

2023-01-06 08:00:00
#Football #Leaks #closing #allegations #suspended #trial #resumes #January


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