Few places offer gravel lovers as much as Girona

Few places offer gravel lovers as much as Girona

I go out on gravel quite a bit. I bought one a couple of years ago that I usually go out in the La Seu d’Urgell area. I like to mix gravel roads with the road and MTB trails. We go to many gravel tests, including the Sea Otter in Girona

Emili Pérez is speaking to us, pro with Festina thirty years ago and currently president of the Sprint Club Andorra, from where he manages the Purito Cycling School.

The gravel is different, cool and less conflictive with the cars. It allows you to go on tracks but mix with the road to your liking. How many times have I climbed a port and before reaching the top I make a path?.

Sites to do gravel?

“Ehe gravel is made to roll and roll. I like the slopes of Pons, Penedès and of course Girona” Emili proposes, very hooked on looking at the calendar and the tests that are to come: “We are always looking at the calendar, when Ocisport created its calendar. We have never failed in the Sea Otter, first the bike marathon, Ciclobrava and now the Girona Gravel”.

That’s how he got to know the gravel of the Sea Otter…

The route is very nice, Girona is for gravel. You have all the flats you want and climbs near the city, but the best thing is that each one goes at the pace that each one wants. When I ran with pros and amateurs I already suffered enough, I am lucky to go to all of them with a partner who really likes to discover places, we go together, each one is better in something, he falls less and I in the rest of the terrain, I am pulling I do not want to dispute or suffer”.

And adds: “The gravel bike wants to go have fun and discover places and also burn and stay in shape”.

registrations available

The fame of the gravel in Girona

Emili was waiting to see if it was true about the gravel in Girona: “I had heard a lot about Girona, and let’s see how it goes. Everything that was said was true. Girona’s slopes are brutal, fast, prepared and strong wheels, hooking pretty villages. The climb to Los Angeles offers a more complicated track”.

In the area you can find15 kilometers without stopping, almost without asphalt, it is not easy to find it, not at all goat paths. Enjoy rhythm, you are doing the route, you go from 30 per hour easy”.

Then there are the stops: “Flowery fields, you stop to take the Instagram photo”.

He used to go “At medium distances, we enjoyed the aid stations, good pace, we didn’t file down the curves. The gravel goes fast and you can skate easier. We must be careful”

And after the race100% cycling environment, of all modalities, we are going to see the stands”.

The Gravel event of the Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental cycling festival only offered the option of a short route of 79 km, but this 2023 edition also includes, for the most physically prepared, the option of a long route with 125 km.

The long route of 125 km and 1500 meters of altitude, passes through some of the most beautiful places in the Girona region, starting as always from the same Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental festival.


2023-08-04 12:52:31
#places #offer #gravel #lovers #Girona


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