Enjoy a Relaxing Break at Rest Areas during Your Holiday Travel

Par Yohann Desplat
Published on 11 August 23 at 14:02 See my news Follow Actu Chartres Are you going on a long journey to your holiday destination? Do not hesitate to take a break on a rest area on the way! (©Illustration / Adobe Stock)

Since the beginning of the holidays, the employees of VINCI Autoroutes and the facilities
sales representatives are mobilized to welcome holidaymakers to the rest areas and offer them to relax during their journey.

Multiple #BienArriver activities are thus organized at around twenty rest areas across the VINCI Autoroutes network. until the end of August. On the program: sports initiations, friendly spaces for picnicking, changing babies, and relaxation areas…

Rugby, football or climbing in Eure-et-Loire

Animations, there are also in Eure-et-Loire, on the area of ​​Boutroux (A10). Since the beginning of the summer, thanks to the organizers of the Departmental Olympic Sports Committee of Eure-et-Loir, holidaymakers have been able to learn about climbing, badminton, judo, handi-handball, football or even rugby.

Whether they are departing or returning, vacationers can also rely on an exceptional traffic information device to prepare for their departure and know the traffic conditions in real time.

Designed around the summer programming of Radio VINCI Autoroutes (107.7), this
The traffic information system will be available on the Twitter traffic feeds of VINCI Autoroutes1 and Radio VINCI Autoroutes, as well as on the Ulys and RVA applications.

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2023-08-11 12:02:02
#BienArriver #activities #holidaymakers #relax #Boutroux #rest #area


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