Edy Tavares Contemplates NBA Return as Real Madrid Contract Nears End

Announced in the viewfinder of the Blazers last month, Edy Tavares is probably aware that at 31, he does not have much time left to re-cross the Atlantic and re-taste the NBA, after having established himself as one of the best pivots on the European continent over the last few years. recent seasons.

For now, the Cape Verdean giant (2m21, 125kg) has a last year of contract with the Real Madrid but, after this 2023/24 campaign, all hopes will be allowed.

« I don’t know if I will renew my contract with Real Madrid “, he admits, on the sidelines of a friendly tournament in Italy. ” The fact is that I have a contract for next season, which will expire after that, and I don’t know what else to say. I hope we will find an agreement, but the NBA dream is also present, I will not hide it. »

Leave now, but pay dearly, or wait a year?

Problem, to return to the NBA this season, six years after his departure, Edy Tavares is faced with a major obstacle: the clause allowing him to leave Europe before the end of his contract in Spain, the amount of which is higher than the 6 million euros paid by Facundo Campazzo to join the Nuggets in 2020.

However, as NBA franchises can only offer $825,000 to release a player from another league, the rest is the responsibility of the latter. It is therefore not impossible to see the former pivot of the Hawks and the Cavaliers continue one more year with Real Madrid, before potentially spinning in the United States.

“Nothing is done yet, but that does not worry me,” he adds, about his future. ” I focus first on the World Cup with my country and then I will try to enjoy every moment with my club until the last match. If I stay, that’s fine, but if not, so be it. I have already said several times that I was thinking of the NBA, but you have to analyze the big picture. »

Leader of Cape Verde at the World Cup, Edy Tavares will have a lot to do during this competition, since his country will first cross paths with Slovenia, Venezuela and Georgia in the group stage. Before meeting Australia, Germany, Finland or Japan in the event of qualification in the second round?

2023-08-08 14:12:00
#Edy #Tavares #hasnt #NBA #dream..


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