Druento Judo: Olympic Athletes Take the Tatami at Kumiai Gym’s Lion Wednesdays

DRUENTO – Judo: at the Kumiai Druento Gym iWednesday at Leoni’s” have now become a fixed appointment for the summer. They are organized by the Technical Director of Kumiai Druento Mario Del Chiericoby the coach of the Italian youth national team Maximilian Pascafrom the former athlete of the Fiamme Azzurre Renato Vinassa and the multi-medal winner Martina Lisa at the Kumiai headquarters in strada Bottione 6, in Druento. After the great success achieved in the previous editions, this year it was decided to further raise the bar by bringing Olympic athletes of the highest international level onto the tatami of the Druentina company. Kumiai only does things big, also thanks to the sponsor Art Tech who with his commitment has allowed the realization of these events.

Art Tech is the same sponsor who previously made a significant contribution to the creation of the Golden Kumiai Scholarships.


It format of “Lion Wednesdays” is to have a different guest every Wednesday for 5 appointments in June and July.


The first to get on the tatami in the 2023 edition was Fabio Basile, Rio 2016 Olympic Champion, Wednesday 28 June. We recall that Fabio in Rio, overcoming the South Korean An Baul in the final, gave the 200th overall Olympic gold medal to Italy and was awarded the honor of Commendatore by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. In the evening, the success achieved by the army athlete was remarkable who, once again, confirmed his natural feeling especially with the younger athletes, thanks also to his availability and sympathy.


July 5 was the ”special guest” of the evening Christian Parlati. Neapolitan from the Ponticelli district, Christian, albeit young, boasts in his palmares participation in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics as well as numerous successes where the title of junior world champion, silver at the Tashkent 2022 world championships and the bronze medal at the 2021 European Championships in Lisbon. A constantly growing career that has allowed this athlete with a calm but at the same time determined character to become one of the points of the men’s national team and to give an evening of great judo to the participants who flocked to his appointment.


July 12 was an evening in the Portuguese language. In fact, three athletes who are part of the team climbed onto the tatami Portuguese national team.

Telma Monteiro bronze medal at the Rio 2016 Olympics, which is about to do its 6th Olympics, has a record of the highest level given the four silver medals and one bronze won in the editions of the World Championships to which four golds must be added , a silver and seven bronze medals at the European Championships, just to mention some of the results she achieved.
Patricia Sampaio participated in the Tokyo Olympics and finished fifth in both the 2019 World Championships and the 2022 Sofia European Championships; in her palmares she can also boast a silver medal and four bronze medals won in the Grand Slams as well as the title of Under 23 European champion.
Maria Gemma Siderot is an athlete who grew up in Italy in KUMIAI nursery with which he experienced his first successes before making the decision to move to Portugal. Among the results achieved by her, the title of Under 23 European Champion, the bronze medal at the Sarajevo Open 2022 and the bronze at the Linz Grand Prix in 2023 stand out as well as the two fifth places conquered in the Grand Slam of Antalya and Tashkent . For Maria it was a return home, in an evening dedicated above all to female athletes who were able to witness the type of technical-tactical training that Telma, Patricia and Maria do every day together with the application of their ”special” techniques . A great evening that was a great success.


On July 19 to get on the tatami was the Moldavian Denis Vieru. Olympian in Tokyo 2020, Denis has two bronze medals in his palmares at the World Championships in Tashkent 2022 and in the 2019 edition as well as two other bronzes won at the European Championships in 2020 and Sofia 2022 and six victories in the Grand Slams: a mister athlete! Nice and helpful Denis won the attention of the participants in this appointment with a lesson that was varied and demanding at the same time. In that week the Kumiai also had the Albanian national team in which the presence of the Olympian stood out Indri Cullhaj.


The last appointment was on July 26th where the teacher got on the tatami Antonio Vastarella e Francis Iannone. Maestro Vastarella, absolute Italian champion at the beginning of the 2000s and bronze medal at the 2001 military world championships, today also covers the role of mental coach. He was therefore able to give the participants of this last appointment some indications on how to manage the approach to the competition and the moments preceding the round of the competition as well as of course the exposure of the technical part of judo. Francesco Iannone is instead at home at Kumiai having spent a long time there before moving to Bolzano where he now lives and manages a gym. Francesco is one of those athletes in love with judo and competition so much that he continues to compete in the Masters, continuing to obtain splendid results such as the recent silver medal won at the recent European Masters Championships by Podcetrtek which goes hand in hand with the fifth place at the of the Krakow 2022 World Masters. An evening for judo lovers with different implications compared to the previous appointments, but equally pleasant for the participants.


The 2023 edition therefore ended with considerable success with the participation of numerous top-level athletes. The technicians Mario Del Chierico and Massimiliano Pasca they have already started working on the next edition which promises to be even more interesting, although it will be difficult to surpass the level of this season’s guests. “On this occasion we would like to thank all the people who help us from behind the lines to make this event more and more exciting: our photographer Spasaro Robertowho immortalises all the most important moments with his great photosall the technicians of the Kumiai who help on the tatami: Comitangelo Germana, Tommaso Di Pietro, Capasso Michele, Barile Nino and the tireless Giuseppe Mastrorillo. We invite you now to the next edition of “Wednesdays from Leoni” 2024. Thank you with all my heart“.


The KUMIAI Limited Liability Amateur Sports Society of Druento proposes numerous courses throughout the year for people of all ages. It is an entity that has the sports award from CONI and is registered in the national register of amateur sports associations and clubs. It is also affiliated to the sports promotion body Freedom by activity and at For you for Judo activity. All instructors have a degree in motor sciences or are certified by federations or sports promotion bodies. In addition to having one lecture of weights, with isotonic and cardio machines, always available for every type of need (toning, firming, post-trauma functional recovery) KUMIAI SSDARL offers numerous courses:

Sports activity of gymnastics aimed at fitness: Reggaeton, Dance Caraibico, Tone Up, Dance Evolutions, Step And Tone, Tonificazione, Aerobical Box.
Gymnastics: Stretching, Yoga, Pilates.
Functional and Calisthenics: Calisthenics, Tabata Training, Circuit And Trx, Allenamento Funzionale, Functional Gag.
Martial arts: Judo, Muay, K1 Rules.
Children: Judo, Muay Thai, Hip Hop, K1 Rules.

To find out when you can participate in the various activities visit the link. Follow this page to stay up to date Facebook and profile Instagram. Visit the sites: for the lecture and for the judo.

SSDARL Kumiai – Bottione Street, 6th Druento – Tel. 011.9945642 – E-mail: [email protected]

Post Views: 193

2023-08-06 12:18:29
#Judo #Kumiai #Druento #Gym #Wednesday #Leonis #Agenda #News


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