Dakota Mathias Joins Ratiopharm Ulm as Sixth Newcomer, Bringing NBA Experience

The master is through.

Ratiopharm Ulm gets the sixth newcomer: a veteran with NBA experience.

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Source: BILD/Instagram 07/28/2023

American Dakota Mathias (28) has signed with Ulm for a year. The guard is the club’s last newcomer and squad planning is complete.

Sport boss Thorsten Leibenath (48): “With Dakota we are bringing an experienced, strong throwing player to the Danube. He is in the best basketball age and will stabilize our team both offensively and defensively. Like last season, we want to send out great danger from the three-point line again.”

Like Neu-Ulmer Trevion Williams, Mathias comes from Purdue College in Indiana. He was already under contract with Dallas Mavericks (2019), but was then only used in the Texas Legends farm team.

He fulfilled his NBA dream with the Philadelphia 76ers (2020), playing eight games in the best league in the world. Most recently he played in Tenerife.

Six new ones for the master

In addition to Mathias, Ulm will go with Trevion Williams (22/USA), LJ Figueroa (25/Dom. Rep.), Georginho (27/Brazil) and the two youngsters (can play for both the pros and juniors) Noah Essengue (16 /France) and Alec Anigbata (18/Munich) into the season.

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But the departures weigh heavily: Yago dos Santos (Belgrade), Cabocclo (Reyer Venezia), Josh Hawley (destination unknown) and now Brandon Paul have left Ulm.

Leibenath says: “Of course we are sad that Brandon is not coming back to us. At the same time, we were aware that under normal circumstances a player of his class would be in a completely different salary range. Last season was a unique win-win situation for both sides and we are very grateful to Brandon for his big part in the German championship.”

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What: Stats Perform 25.07.2023

2023-08-01 11:40:55
#played #NBA #Dakota #Mathias #completes #BBL #champions #Ulm #Sports


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