Creating Division in Society, Persija Legend Suggests Changing the Name of JIS Stadium to …

Jakarta, – In the midst of the JIS (Jakarta International Stadium) stadium polemic, the legend of Persija Jakarta and the Indonesian National Team, Bambang Pamungkas, also opened his voice about the stadium being said to be full of political content.

Where did this start when the stadium that was built during the Anies Baswedan era as the Governor of DKI Jakarta was claimed not to meet FIFA standards.

Previously, the International Stadium (JIS) became a hot topic of discussion recently because it was considered not in accordance with FIFA standards.

Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). (Julio Trisaputra/tvOnenews)

One factor that is said to have not met FIFA standards is the condition of the stadium grass, which is the reason for renovation.

However, what became a polemic in the community was that it was the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing who stated this, not directly from FIFA. Where it immediately sparked criticism from netizens.

The ball is getting wilder and hotter when many parties link the JIS problem to the political realm.

2023-08-17 22:03:22
#Creating #Division #Society #Persija #Legend #Suggests #Changing #JIS #Stadium


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