Controversial Arbitration Decisions Plague América in Match Against Columbus Crew

Controversial arbitration in three specific decisions against América this Monday night in the match against Columbus Crew within the Leagues Cup 2023. They say that “the worst enemy of a Mexican is another Mexican” and it was the whistling Fernando “Cantante” Guerrero who He made it the “villain” of the Eagles by taking two goals from them and giving a controversial penalty against them.

Goals disallowed at América vs Columbus – VIDEO

The second half of the game was surrounded by arbitration controversy. The first occurred at minute 54, when Julián Quiñones had what would have been América’s 2-1 annulled due to a misplaced assumption. Although the video arbitration intervened to review it, the television shot did not leave compelling evidence to show that the Colombian was in an illegal position.

Just six minutes later, at 60′, a second goal was taken away from the Águilas by another millimeter offside by Quiñones, who had enabled Leo Suárez to move the Major League Soccer team’s nets, but the VAR intervened again to take it away. happiness to the blue creams, with obvious claims from André Jardine on the bench for feeling affected by two consecutive decisions.

Penal for Columbus vs America – VIDEO

To make matters worse for those from Coapa, in the 66th minute they were awarded a penalty due to a contact by Luis Ángel Malagón with his knee on Mohamed Farsi. The play generated a division of opinions, since some allege that the contact was totally accidental due to the draining of the Mexican goalkeeper, although others state that this contact was enough to point out the infraction.

Colombian striker Camilo “Cucho” Hernández converted the maximum penalty to put the Major League Soccer Crew on top, which in minute 81 extended the lead through Christian Ramírez, dealing a severe setback to the Americanista team, supposed favorite to stay with the Leagues Cup 2023.

2023-08-01 01:55:00
#Singer #Guerrero #annulled #goals #América #gave #Columbus #controversial #penalty #VAR #Fox #Sports


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