Baldham Boars Dominate Opening Games in Relegation Round with Victories Against Ellwangen Elks

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Lucas Traut also demonstrated throwing power in Ellwangen. © SRO EBERSBERG

Baldham Boars don’t show any weakness at the start of the relegation round in the 2nd Baseball Bundesliga South-Southeast. The team around coach Lucas Traut defeated the Ellwangen Elks away in both games.

Baldham/Ellwangen – Although three of his starters were missing due to vacation and Boars coach Lucas Traut only had nine players for the opening away game in the relegation round with the help of reserve player Günter Lichtner, one scenario should not have happened: “I could not have come up with a few excuses. A defeat in Ellwangen really wouldn’t have looked good.”

After all, it didn’t get that far against the bottom of the play-down table in the 2nd Baseball Bundesliga South-Southeast. Traut himself kept the Elks pointless for four innings in the first game on the mound, while his own offense started with the confidence cushion of three points from the first two rounds. Traut’s relief player Brian Fürböck rounded off Baldham’s 5-2 victory with a safe.

“In both games we were great on the defensive,” said Traut, also for the subsequent 8:2 from the guest’s point of view, the key to the Boars success. Only at bat did the Baldhamers “eyes get too big too soon”. With a 7-2 lead, Julian Dambacher ceded the throwing mound to Sam Katz after four innings.

2023-08-22 10:37:20
#Baldham #Boars #defensively #stable #offensively #greedy


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