Badminton Club Lieshout Welcomes New Members for Weekly Game Evenings

for August 26, 13:10 Sport Sport

Lieshout – The badminton players of Badminton Club Lieshout will pick up their rackets again on Wednesday 30 August. Then the weekly game evenings (on Wednesdays) of this sports association will start again and new members are very welcome. Is badminton something for you? Then come and try it at Badminton Club Lieshout!

Of course, the ‘number 1 game for the campsite’ was also fully played this year: badminton. Did you do that too and did you like it? Would you like to learn it better and do it more often and turn that game into a real sport? Then come to one of the upcoming game evenings of Badminton Club Lieshout: you can participate immediately.

The youngest youth of Badminton Club Lieshout starts at 6.30 pm: then the aspirants (approx. 7-12 years) start. They play until 7:30 PM. At the same time, the juniors (approx. 12-18 years) start at 7 p.m. and play until 8 p.m. Both youth groups do this under the guidance of a team of youth counselors. So there is always someone ready to help you. You can always play for free twice before you have to decide to become a member. So you can first see if the sport is something for you and you don’t have to become a member right away. You don’t have to buy a racket right away either. You can use these from the association, which has a special number of rackets in stock for this (including some rackets with a shortened handle). In short; no barriers whatsoever to come and try it.

Seniors are also very welcome. They play -on the same Wednesday evenings- from 8 p.m. There is no mandatory training for seniors: everyone is allowed to participate in the training, which is facilitated and starts at 8 p.m. Have you never played badminton before and would you like to give it a try? Then come and try it sometime. If you don’t train – or don’t want to train – you can always play freely on the remaining courts. Seniors can also come and play for free twice before you have to become a member of the association. And, seniors can also use the rental rackets that the association offers. There are therefore no barriers or other obstacles for seniors to try out whether badminton is a sport for you.

2023-08-26 11:12:45
#Badminton #Club #Lieshout #vacation


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