Austin Reaves: From Lakers Sensation to Team USA Star

Austin Reaves experienced a meteoric rise. After an excellent second half of the season with the Los Angeles Lakers, the back impressed his world in the Playoffs. To the point of signing a nice extension this summer.

In the process, the young talent of 25 years appeared in the list of Team USA for the 2023 World Cup. And in the rotation of the coach Steve Kerrthe darling of the Lakers may have big responsibilities.

Because during training camp in Las Vegas, Reaves completely seduced Kerr.

“He fits in wherever you put him, that’s the beauty of Austin. He’s a connector. So he’s a hell of a basketball player. He’s physical, shoots and passes. Then he always finds the right fit. balance on the pitch, so he’s a guy who improves any team he plays with.

Why this term ‘connector’? His sense of the game, his vision, his awareness and his understanding. The ball hits the right spot, the right cut is made. (…) He has flair. With connectors, the game takes on its full meaning”, admired Steve Kerr, with a big smile, in front of the press.

Coming from the architect of the Golden State Warriors, those are very strong words. And we understand better why Austin Reaves is unanimous with all his coaches and all his partners.

D’Angelo Russell pays tribute to killer Austin Reaves

2023-08-11 07:58:00
#Austin #Reaves #Steve #Kerr #totally #love


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