Arrest Made in Ardea: Man Charged with Family Abuse, Sexual Assault, and More

Published: Sunday, 20 August 2023 – Newsroom

ARDEA (chronicle) – The man was arrested on charges of abuse in the family, persecution, sexual assault and personal injury – ​​press release from the Carabinieri

I Carabinieri of the Lieutenancy of Ardea arrested a 41-year-old Italian man in the act, seriously suspected of crimes Of abuse in the family, persecutory acts, sexual assault e personal injury.

Last evening, some residents heard a woman’s screams for help coming from an apartment in Ardea, Marina Tor San Lorenzo and called 112. A Carabinieri patrol from the Tenenza di Ardea went to the scene and noticed a man leaning out of the balcony who, at the sight of the soldiers, hurriedly returned to the house and turned off all the lights. The Carabinieri, suspicious, went to the front door, where no one opened, thus forcing the soldiers to enter the house through a window and found a 47-year-old woman lying on the bed with a noticeable hematoma on her right eye , various bruises, scratches on the arms and with difficulty breathing. For this reason, the man found in the house in the company of the woman was blocked and taken to the barracks for checks, while the woman was transported to the emergency room of the united hospitals of Anzio/Nettuno, for treatment of the case, where she got 15 days prognosis.

The victim then formalized the police report against the ex, also recounting previous similar episodes, never reported since September 2022, a period in which she ended her relationship with the man. The latter, unfortunately, with problems of alcoholism and drug addiction as well as with specific precedents for crimes against the person, continued to bother her and demand sums of money from her to spend for his own needs. The latest episode is exactly what happened during the intervention of the Carabinieri of the Lieutenancy of Ardea, when the man arbitrarily entered the woman’s home and took away around 500 euros and left the house, returning after a few hours in clear state of psychophysical alteration due to alcohol abuse and drug use.

For this reason, the man was arrested and taken to the security chambers, pending the very direct rite, at the end of which the arrest was validated and the man was taken to Velletri prison.

It should be noted that the proceeding is in the preliminary investigation phase, for which the suspect must be considered innocent until a possible final sentence.

2023-08-20 09:20:19
#beats #expartner #demanding #money #41yearold #arrested


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