Antioquia’s Archery Team Prepares for the National Games

In the South American Archery Field, Antioquia had its last qualifying competition to define the group that will be representing the department in the National Sports Games.

Antioquia defines its archery team for the National Games

“We have a very good level, we have to fight for all the medals. The team has always been very strong and it has always been one of the main rivals to win, ours. So I look forward to it with great anticipation for the National Games”, expressed Daniela Atehortua.

Daniela Atehortua, in feminine compound; Together with Valentina Suárez and Evelyn Taborda, they know that they have a very strong group, but in front and the rival to beat is Sara López and the department of Risaralda.

And the Antioquia goalkeeper continued: “Yes, she is the reference for all of us, knowing that she is one of the best, but for us it is to keep adding, keep going up and doing our best to win, that is the idea.”

Antioquia has the experience, they are the current champions of archery in the jousts, therefore, the group of 16 archers among which are Ruiz, Betancour, Atehortua, Arenas and company will continue with the blanks during these two remaining months. before the beginning of the 22nd National Games of the Coffee Region.

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2023-08-27 16:01:08
#Antioquia #defines #archery #team #National #Games


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