Anthony Edwards Joins Team USA: Inspired by Vince Carter’s Legendary Dunk at the Olympics

Olympics (DR) / USA Basketball (DR)

Selected by Team USA for the World Cup, Anthony Edwards is about to take part in his first international competition. He, who was not born during the 2000 Olympics, nevertheless came back in cash on Vince Carter’s legendary dunk on Fred Weis…

While his progress in the NBA is dazzling, Anthony Edwards will have the opportunity to display them during the World Cup which is fast approaching. Like some basketball legends, the back of the Timberwolves has a great opportunity to make an impression by placing himself as one of the headliners of Team USA. A costume that he also donned without flinching during the preparation matches.

Against Germany, Ant’ for example delivered a huge performance commented by LeBron James. Suffice to say that he fully seized his chance and that he is already attracting attention. However, we know his ambitious and competitive side and we can therefore suspect that international titles have always been part of his objectives. The exploits of his American predecessors certainly have a lot to do with it…

Edwards discusses the dunk inflicted by Vince Carter on Fred Weis

In the history of Team USA, many mythical events have taken place and have inspired entire generations. A great basketball enthusiast, Edwards therefore knows these great achievements of the US selection at his fingertips. Recently, he was also questioned on this subject and allowed himself to come back to the mythical poster of Vince Carter on Fred Weis, during the Olympic Games in Sidney:

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I wanted to play for Team USA, if only because Kobe (Bryant) and Michael Jordan played there. To also live there moments like Vince Carter when he dunked over “that guy” and almost put a right to Kevin Garnett right after. Or when Kobe spoke Spanish to Luis Scola and Bron told him to calm down. They were the best players so I have to follow in their footsteps.

Even if he could not experience this memorable sequence live, he who was only born a few months later, Edwards was nevertheless marked by this famous poster. To this day, the latter remains probably the most incredible in the history of the Olympic Games, or even of basketball, which explains the fact that Ant’ still keeps an imperishable memory of it. The pictures of this action remain as iconic as possible:

Time may pass, but Vince Carter’s savage dunk on Fred Weis lives on in legend. Anthony Edwards also cites it among the reasons that led him to join Team USA. Knowing him, he would be able to want to reproduce this poster…

2023-08-24 19:10:00
#years #Anthony #Edwards #cash #mythical #poster #suffered #Fred #Weis


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