Almirón was happy with the result but assured that they suffered too much

Boca Juniors qualified for the quarterfinals of the Libertadores Cup after beating National from penalties and awaits the winner of the series between Racing Club y National Athletic.

At a press conference, the coach Jorge Almiron analyzed what happened in La Bombonera. “I’m happy with the result. We suffered a lot. We knew that some of the boys were going to have a hard time because of the time they didn’t play. In the first half we started very well and against us they tied us. In the second we were much more”held

“Today is a special night for everyone: Red came back, Cavani debuted and Alan leaves. There are many things to improve, but we have time”, assured.

Regarding the work of his team in the decisive moments, he added: “With the changes we still have chances, but we suffered until the end. Then Chiquito appeared and the kickers converted”shot.

“In the conversation between the players, Chiquito said that he was going to save two penalties,” He remarked on the great work that the goalkeeper had in the final instance of the match.


2023-08-10 03:06:16
#Almirón #happy #result #assured #suffered


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