Algerian Badminton Pair Clinches Gold at International Tournament in Brazil

The Algerian badminton pair, composed of Kossila Mammeri and Sabri Madal, brilliantly conquered the gold medal at the international tournament in Brazil by winning the captivating final played in Brasilia. This resounding victory, obtained against the Brazilian team of Fabricio Farias and Silva Davi, consolidated the growing reputation of Algerian players on the international scene.

The excitement was palpable in the stadium as the Algerian pair demonstrated their skill and determination. Kossila Mammeri and Sabri Madal sealed their victory in two decisive sets (21-16, 21-18), establishing their supremacy on the court and thus winning the coveted gold medal.

The triumphant journey of the Algerian team began in the semi-finals, where they triumphed against the Chilean pair Alonso Madal / Bahamontes Benjamin in two convincing sets (21-15, 21-14). Remarkable performances from Kossila Mammeri and Sabri Madal were the backdrop to their rise, showing their skill and commitment at every stage of the tournament.

Their road to the final was not easy. In the round of 16, the Algerian pair managed to overcome Brazilians Mathieus Karigo and Van Canceliços Allison in two solid sets (21-16, 21-13). The victory propelled them into the quarter-finals, where they met Brazilians Issac Batilha and Fouagh Mathieus and took another convincing win (21-15, 21-15).

The consecration of Kossila Mammeri and Sabri Madal as champions of the international tournament in Brazil was not the only success for Algerian badminton. The mixed doubles of Kossila Mammeri and Tanina Mammeri also made a memorable impression by advancing to the final in this category. In the semi-finals, they beat Brazilians Fabricio Farias and Jacqueline Lima with a score of 2-0 (21-18, 21-18).

The Algerian mixed doubles journey to the final was marked by exceptional performances. They defeated Chileans Ashli ​​Munter and Bahamontes Benjamin in the round of 16 (21-7, 21-9), then continued to shine in the quarter-finals against Argentinians Santiago Ontero and Iwana Goualdi (21-5, 9-3) .

2023-08-13 16:00:11
#Brilliant #success #Algerian #badminton #international #tournament #Brazil


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